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wine bottle label size

CUSTOM Elegant Peonies Wine Bottle Labels WC21


Your personalized Printable will be emailed to you as a file (either PDF & JPEG) for you to download, and print at home or printing shop.

File Size: 8.5×11″ (4 per page) Large Wine Bottle Printable Size 4.75″ TALL X 3.75″
File Type: PDF and JPEG Files


Once you’ve added the item to shopping cart, please leave a message in ‘Order Notes’ with the following details:

1- Exact text you would like written. Eg. Name, Inititals etc.

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Category: Tag:

Product Description

Your personalized Printable will be emailed to you as a file (either PDF & JPEG) for you to download, and print at home or printing shop.

File Size: 8.5×11″ (4 per page) Large Wine Bottle Printable Size 4.75″ TALL X 3.75″
File Type: PDF and JPEG Files


Once you’ve added the item to shopping cart, please leave a message in ‘Order Notes’ with the following details:

1- Exact text you would like written. Eg. Name, Inititals etc.

Current File Delivery Time Detail
