Product Description
CUSTOM Pink or Blue Racing Invitation TLC113 BS525
Your personalized Printable Invitation will be emailed to you as a file (PDF & JPEG) for you to download, and print at home or printing shop.
What you will receive:
– Invitation 5″ x7″ (JPEG 1 per page, and PDF will be 2 sheets 5×7″ on 8.5×11″)
Once you’ve added the item to shopping cart, please leave a message in ‘Order Notes’ with the following details:
Please include the following information at ‘sellers note’ at checkout please:
1) Occasion: bridal shower, baby shower, birthday, wedding, engagement etc.
2) Names – Baby & Mom
3) Time and Date and Address
4) Pink or Blue theme
5) RSVP if any
6) Registry if any
7) Host Name/s if any
8) Any other information you would like added
Current File Delivery Time Detail