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greenery wedding countdown sign

CUSTOM Greenery Personalized Wedding Countdown sign TH93 WS43


Your personalized Sign Printable (Download File) will be emailed to you as a file (either PDF & JPEG) for you to download, and print at home or printing shop.

File Size Options: 24×26″, 18×24″, 11×17″, 11×14″, 8×10″ or 5×7″
File Type: PDF and JPEG Files

Category: Tag:

Product Description

Your personalized Greenery Printable Countdown | Welcome sign (Download File) will be emailed to you as a file (either PDF & JPEG) for you to download, and print at home or printing shop. You can make the text to any wording you like.

File Size Options: 24×26″, 18×24″, 11×17″, 11×14″, 8×10″ or 5×7″
File Type: PDF and JPEG Files


Once you’ve added the item to shopping cart, please leave a message in ‘Order Note’ with the following details:

1- Exact Wording of the Sign, Example – For a Welcome sign, please provide: Bride and groom’s names with wedding date as option

2- Size of the Sign : Options are 24×26″, 18×24″, 11×17″, 11×14″, 8×10″ or 5×7″

For additional signs such as wedding countdown sign, cards and gifts, photobooth, mimosa bar etc, please change quantity of the this item and leave a message in ‘Order Note’ at checkout exact wording you require.

Please purchase 1 x Sign for 1 Quantity

Please purchase 2 x Signs for 2 Quantiy


Current File Delivery Time Detail

greenery wedding countdown sign

Greenery Personalized Wedding Countdown sign
By R Byrd: Sign and matching games were perfect. Shop owner adjusted sign design with no problem, and had it printed at Staples.